Breaking Technical News!

In Britian,
After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, British scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago.

In America,
Not to be outdone by the Brit's, in the weeks that followed, an American archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, a story published in the New York Times:"American archaeologists, finding traces of 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years earlier than the British".

In Canada,
One week later, Canadian Dept of Mines and Resources in Northern Canada reported the following:"After digging as deep as 30 feet in Northern Canada in the Ontario region of Thunder Bay Jack Lucknow, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing. Jack has therefore concluded that 250 years ago, Canada had already gone wireless."

Just makes you bloody proud to be Canadian, don't it!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Onyx & Peacock Partner in Canada

March 12, 2010… As an employee of Peacock, a division of Kinecor, I am very pleased with our most recent distribution partnership agreement with “Onyx Valve Company” for the distribution of their Isolation-Rings in Canada. Onyx is the fastest growing “Pinch Valve” Company in the world and Peacock is a division of Canada’s largest distributor of Industrial, Process Equipment and Instrumentation products. It only made sense that our two companies entered a distribution agreement for the Canadian market.

Onyx was started by six employees, who had worked for a major pinch valve manufacture in Southern New Jersey, fortunately for the world that pinch Valve Company was acquired by a large multi national corporation which promptly closed the facility in 1994. The six new entrepreneurs started Onyx on May 1, 1995 and now They Are the Fastest Growing Pinch Valve Company in The world!

Onyx Valves Products include: Pinch Valves from ½” through 24”, Pneumatic actuators, Pressure Isolation-Rings from ½” through 30” Diameter, Electro-Pneumatic Positioners, Expansion Joints and controls related to fluid handling applications.

Onyx manufactures their products in a state of the art facility in Cinnaminson, New Jersey. All their rubber valve sleeves and Iso-Rings sleeves are made in house to their exact specifications by the most experienced molders in the industry. All rubber recipes are a guarded secret and all molders follow these step-by-step recipes to the ‘T’. Onyx’s exacting processes meets machine-tool tolerances this guarantees the longest life in the industry. All sleeves are “Compression-Molded” during the vulcanization period. The tolerances on all Onyx Sleeves are +/- 0.005 inches on the wall thickness from end to end. With Tolerances like this, Onyx can assure their clients of their product’s superior life under the harshest of conditions.

The Onyx Isolation-Rings are recognized around the world for their; Quality, Longevity, Robustness and their “Module Seal”. Onyx Iso-Rings are “factory vacuum-filled with high viscosity silicone fluid” and are permanently sealed with Onyx’s Revolutionary “Module Seal”. Products Like United Electric Pressure Switches, Transmitters, and Smart Electronic Indicating Switches as well as Ametek Pressure Gauges paired with Onyx Iso-Rings, these pairings can be found in Waste-Water Treatment Plants around the world. Now with their patented “Module Seal” and “Stinger Fitting” this allows easy change out of instruments without loosing the “factory vacuum-filled with high viscosity silicone fluid”.

I know that my colleagues are as proud as I am to be a distribution partner with Onyx; I know that Peacock’s other market leading products like Ametek US Gauge and Pressure Transmitters, United Electric Pressure Switches, Pressure Transmitters and Smart Indicating Switches will all strongly compliment each other.

I am so very pleased to be associated with such a strong team of products.

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